There's something scary in the dairy ...

Last edited 18 September 2003 at 8:00am
What's lurking in the dairy?

What's lurking in the dairy?

There's every chance the milk in your tea is not GM-free, unless you shop at M&S or buy organic.

GM is sneaking into our milk because dairy herds in the UK are fed on GM crops imported from the USA.

Worse still, the UK Government is about to make a decision on whether or not to allow the commercialisation of GM crops in Britain. If the Government gives GM the green light, our farmers could start to grow GM fodder maize immediately, and use it for animal feed as early as spring 2004.

UK consumers don't want our dairy herds to be fed on GM. A poll run in August 2003 found that 77% of people would prefer to eat or buy dairy, meat or fish products fed on a non-GM diet.

However, supermarkets are on a slippery slope backwards when it comes to GM. They're saying that because customers no longer raise the issue, it's okay for them to undo their past no-GM policies, starting with GM animal feed.

This is not acceptable. Sainsbury's claims it can't take GM out of milk products - but M&S already have! We believe Sainsbury's should follow M&S's lead and commit to going non-GM on animal feed. Other major supermarkets will follow.

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