Thousands vote for GM-free food

Last edited 12 August 2003 at 8:00am

Almost 15,000 people voted in our GM-o-Meter polls, with an overwhelming majority saying they want food to be free from all GM ingredients.

This week we sent the results to the Government's GM Public Debate, because we want them to know the public won't swallow GM.

The GM Public Debate ran from June to July, supposedly to let the public have their say on GM foods. Despite the Government's best efforts to make sure the debate wasn't advertised, thousands of people got involved and had their say.

We held GM-o-Meter polls up and down the country - from crowded commuter trains in London to cosy beauty salons in Yorkshire. Nearly 15,000 people took part, and the results were overwhelming. When asked "Do you want your food to be free of GM ingredients?" on average 95% of people said yes! At the Glastonbury music festival, almost 100% of the 4,000 people we polled wanted GM-free food.

We're going to make sure the Government gets the message. The vast majority of people in the UK don't want to eat GM foods, nor do they want farmers to grow GM crops.

Early indications suggest that most people involved in the Government's national debate are also strongly opposed to GM foods.

The GM Public Debate included a Science Review and an Economic Review. Results of both reviews were released recently. The Science Review found that there was still massive uncertainty and gaps in scientist's knowledge, and the Economic Review found that GM offered no economic benefits for famers or consumers.

The final results of the GM Public Debate will be released September and the Government has promised to "respond" some time later. It is thought that they will make a final decision on whether to go ahead with GM commercialisation later this year, basing the decision on the results of the Public Debate and its Farm Scale Trials.

Greenpeace is opposed to the release of GM crops because they pose irreversible long-term risks to our environment and possibly even our health. We value the integrity of life, and work to promote truly sustainable methods of farming. GM brings a whole host of new and potentially dangerous problems. By contrast modern sustainable farming gives us healthy food we can trust without costing the earth.

See the GM-o-Meter results we've collated so far.

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