UK government trials show GM crop bad news for the environment

Last edited 21 March 2005 at 9:00am
Oil seed rape

Oil seed rape

Today the government published the second set of results from the GM Farm Scale Evaluations (FSE) of Winter-Sown Oilseed Rape in the UK. The four-year study showed that compared to non-GM fields, growing GM Winter-Sown Oilseed Rape results in fewer numbers of broad-leaved weed seeds, which are a major source of food for farmland birds, half as many bees and two-thirds fewer butterflies.

Greenpeace Campaigner Sarah North commented:

"It's no surprise that the UK trials have confirmed that GM crops are bad for the environment. Even a quick look at places like the US, Canada and Argentina, where farmers have grown GM for years, will show you what a nightmare GM has become. Farmers have been put out of business, more and more weed killer is being sprayed on the land, non-GM crops are widely contaminated, superweeds are rife and supposedly safe GM foods have been recalled.

"If GM crops were grown in the UK massive contamination of organic and non-GM crops will be inevitable because current European guidelines are so weak. A legal opinion from a leading QC has today shown that the European Union is effectively misleading countries into making weak GM contamination laws that could see the end of organic foods. Because GM crops offer nothing but trouble to the environment, consumers and the food industry, Tony Blair should shut the door to GM crops for good."

The legal opinion, written by Paul Lasok QC, a leading European Lawyer, for Which? (the UK consumers' association), Friends of the Earth, The Soil Association, Greenpeace, the GM Freeze Campaign and GeneWatch UK, offers advice on the EC Recommendation on the growing of GM crops alongside non GM and organic crops. Mr Lasok's opinion condemns the EC position as "fundamentally flawed" and criticizes the UK government for following this approach, which has no basis in community legislation and is legally incorrect.

Download the Summary of Advice of Paul Lasok in relation to Coexistence, Traceability and Labelling

Download the full report EC RecommendationIn the Matter of Coexistence, Traceability and Labelling of GMOs as a pdf

Read the Press Release European GM crop co-existence recommendations legally flawed from Which? (the UK consumers' association), Friends of the Earth, The Soil Association, Greenpeace, the GM Freeze Campaign and GeneWatch UK.



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