Gold Challenge 2012

Last edited 20 January 2012 at 1:05pm

2012 - what challenge will you set yourself?

We have teamed up with Gold Challenge to offer you the chance to run in the footsteps of the Olympic athletes!

All you have to do is sign up to the Gold Challenge 2012km challenge and raise as much money for Greenpeace as possible. The person with the highest donation level by 29th February wins the chance to run 100m in the Olympic stadium in front of 20,000 people including your friends, family and of course your favourite environmental organisation!

How can I get involved?

Paula Bear racing against other charity mascots at a Gold Challenge event.
First, register with Gold Challenge. Then, simply choose what level you want to set yourself - 2012, 201.2 or 20.12 km. You can complete your target either individually or as a team, and using one or more of the following sports:

  • Running (jogging, road-running, on a treadmill or on a track)
  • Walking (on a treadmill, on a track, rambling or hillwalking)
  • Cycling (in a gym, on a track, on the roads or off-road) Swimming (in a pool or in open water)
  • Canoeing/Kayaking (inland or offshore)
  • Horse riding
  • Rowing (on a rowing machine or on water)
  • Sailing (inland or offshore)
  • Windsurfing (inland and offshore)
  • Wheelchair (track, road or in a gym)

How much do I need to raise?

There’s no set amount, but Gold Challenge suggest minimum fundraising amounts depending on how many sports you select, and whether you take part as an individual or part of a team. For more details visit their website, where you can also find fundraising tips. If you need any more help with fundraising, please drop us a line on 020 7865 8236 and speak to Issy Griffin.


Why not get in touch with Issy and have a chat about it – she can talk through any questions you have and hopefully help you decide which is the right challenge for you.

Tel: 020 7865 8236 and email:

If you would like more information or to let us know that you’ve registered, please fill in this form.

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