Greenpeace activists occupy Cherbourg cranes prior to imminent plutonium shipment

Posted by admin — 11 July 1999 at 8:00am - Comments

Greenpeace - action against plutonium

Activists from Greenpeace France have taken control of two cranes in the French port of Cherbourg and vow to occupy them in order to stop the loading of the imminent Japan-bound shipment of weapons-usable plutonium from Europe. The international environmental group has called on the French, British, and Japanese governments to cancel this first-ever plutonium fuel transport, warning that the shipment and program behind it pose significant threats to the cause of nuclear non-proliferation, environment protection, public health and safety.

The occupation of the cranes began at 12h00 p.m. today, when eleven Greenpeace France climbers scaled the two cranes on the Quai Mielle in the commercial port of Cherbourg. The climbers have locked themselves into the superstructure of the two cranes and are carrying food and equipment necessary for a prolonged occupation. Both cranes will be manoeuvred in the operation to load the four TN-17 transport containers, which have been loaded with plutonium fuel.


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