Incinerators within the UK

Last edited 18 May 2001 at 8:00am
incinerator bridge

incinerator bridge

There are currently 15 municipal waste incinerators in the UK, of which Edmonton in North London is the biggest. 3 new ones are under construction and 30 in various stages of planning.

The Environment Agency, whose duty it is to regulate the plants, are still talking in terms of a hundred or more being built.

If this massive expansion goes ahead it will undoubtedly effect the UK's air quality. The many toxic pollutants contained in the stack gases and ashes produced by all incinerators will threaten the health and quality of life of millions of people.

To find out if there is an incinerator planned near you go to our interactive map showing the Government's expansion plans for municipal waste incinerators across Britain, or consult our table of current incinerator proposals.



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