Kurt Jackson - A Taste Of Glastonbury

Last edited 16 April 2010 at 2:03pm

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Kurt Jackson is one of Britain's leading painters, and a long-time supporter of Greenpeace. He has created an amazing series of paintings and sketches from his residency at the 2009 Glastonbury Festival, which include portraits of Radiohead, Massive Attack, Lily Allen and Tinariwen as well as landscapes capturing the essence of the festival.



Ebay for Charity logoHere’s your chance to bid for one of Kurt's exclusive Glastonbury paintings and sketches, which will be auctioned on Ebay for Charity in aid of the Greenpeace Environmental Trust. The auction will go live from 23rd May and finishes on 2nd June. Click here to bookmark the page!



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Kurt's paintings will be exhibited at The Bargehouse on London's South Bank from 2nd - 6th June, 11am-6pm (admission free).



Kurt Jackson painting Kurt Jackson painting

Visit our Flickr page for a preview of the works which are going to be auctioned.


"Fun and politics are a great mix - so... I go to Glastonbury Festival to work - I sketch and draw and paint and scribble above the crowds, in the crowds, under peoples feet, in their faces; I aim to immerse myself in the Glastonbury experience and come away with some kind of record on paper showing what I've seen, felt and experienced." 
Kurt Jackson


For further information and any queries please contact James or Kim on 07801212969, or email james.nuthall@greenpeace.org

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