Anti-war messages for London and Fairford

Last edited 21 March 2003 at 9:00am
Projections at Parliament Square

Projections at Parliament Square

As the war against Iraq began, Greenpeace sent anti-war messages to the people of London and personnel at the RAF Fairford airbase, Gloucestershire.

Just two hours before US B52 bombers left Fairford for Iraq, a Greenpeace hot air balloon featuring an enormous "No War" banner attached to it flew over the base. Echoing the leaflet drops over Iraq by the US air force, the balloon dropped leaflets down to personnel in the base.

The leaflets featured a picture of a child victim from the first Gulf conflict and an image of US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein in 1983, after Saddam had used chemical weapons during his invasion of Iran.

They highlight the consequences of war on the innocent civilians in Iraq and US and UK 'double standards' in selling lethal weapons to Iraq then bombing them in order to get rid of them.

The B52's are are capable of flying 8,000 miles without having to refuel and can drop up to 30 tons of bombs and missiles, including cruise missiles.

Nabil Al-Jerani's images of children killed in Gulf conflict were projected over Parliament Square last night, as people gathered to protest against the start of the war.

The messages "Not in our name", "War is not the answer" and "No war" were also projected over Parliament Square, for more than an hour.

Greenpeace is opposed to this immoral and illegal war, and will continue to campaign against it.


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