Agreement at climate talks - Now the hard work begins

Last edited 23 July 2001 at 8:00am
23 July, 2001

The international community has finally taken the long overdue second step today in the fight against global warming with the agreement of the rules for implementing the Kyoto Protocol.

As a consequence Greenpeace calls upon all countries, in particular Japan, Russia, the European Union and other European countries, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to take immediate steps to ratify the Kyoto Protocol as matter of urgency. Greenpeace called on Japan in particular to honour the Kyoto Protocol and commit to its ratification now on the basis of the Bonn agreement, and without the USA.Whilst Greenpeace has significant problems with many parts of the agreement, we believe that it is essential for the Protocol to enter into force as soon as possible, and at the latest by the time of the Rio+ 10 Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa in September of 2002. The basic legal architecture of the Protocol - legally binding obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - is the essential "ladder" needed to build global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol and the Bonn rules to implement it are the first step on what has to be a long climb up this ladder.

Greenpeace climate campaigner Stephanie Tunmore said,

"The European Union and developing countries have shown leadership in rescuing the Bonn negotiations from destruction at the hands of Japan, Canada and Australia. Almost all parts of the agreement have been weakened due to the efforts of these countries."

"Fossil fuel companies such as Esso and its cronies, OPEC and of course, the United States also fought violently against it. They failed to kill off the Kyoto Protocol at the meeting in Bonn, but they came close, and what survives is a weaker version of the agreement than was adopted in Kyoto in 1997."

Greenpeace warned that countries should not abuse the large loopholes available to them as consequence of the Bonn agreement.

"Greenpeace will actively campaign to get governments to forgo the use of loopholes such as "hot air" and "sinks" and instead reduce greenhouse gas emissions through comprehensive domestic measures. The spirit of the Kyoto Protocol is clear - nations must wean themselves off the environmentally and economically destructive use of fossil fuels" said Tunmore.

"The Kyoto Protocol can and should be the spark that sets off the coming green revolution, leading to a world where the energy we use is both clean and renewable. Our children deserve nothing less."

Further information:
Greenpeace Press Office on 020 7865 8255

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