Amazon protesters bring global campaign to UK

Last edited 22 May 2006 at 8:00am
22 May, 2006

Cargill HQ shut down by four tonne soya dump

A global week of action against the world's largest privately-owned company hit the Surrey stockbroker belt this morning. Greenpeace volunteers arrived at the European Headquarters of commodities giant Cargill at 6am before dumping nearly four tonnes of soya over the vehicle entrance and chaining themselves to a locked gate across the only access road. The company has now closed the office and sent its 300 employees home.

A year-long investigation by Greenpeace operatives working in three continents has revealed the central role Cargill is playing in the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. Researchers found that some farmers supplying Cargill illegally clear Amazon land to grow soya, sometimes using slave labour. The investigation is detailed in a groundbreaking new report entitled 'Eating Up The Amazon'.

On Friday Greenpeace climbers shut down Cargill's main Amazon export terminal in the town of Santarém. Cargill employees and their allies turned violent during the protest, ramming a Greenpeace inflatable boat and the MV Arctic Sunrise with their powerful tugboat. Three activists were injured, with one suffering burns after having a firework launched at him. In total fourteen Greenpeace volunteers were arrested by the Federal Police, half of them from Brazil (footage and stills available).

Now the protests have hit the company's Cobham HQ on the outskirts of London, from where Cargill managers organise the shipping of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of Amazon soya to Europe. The new report shows how the soya is then fed to animals to produce fast food for companies like KFC. Greenpeace campaigner Pat Venditti this morning handed a copy of the investigation to Cargill executives.

Speaking from Cobham, Venditti said: "Most people have never heard of this company, but from inside this building Cargill's managers are playing a part in one of the great environmental tragedies of our time. The Amazon is one of the most bio-diverse areas on Earth and we need it to stabilise the planet's climate, but this company is trashing the rainforest for chicken wraps and nugget dips. We'll stay here until Cargill bosses give us a clear undertaking that they're getting out of the Amazon. Major retailers like KFC have to stop selling chicken that's been fed on Amazon soya."

For footage or stills of Cobham or Santarém activities contact Greenpeace on 0207 865 8255 or 07801 212967

Download the Greenpeace investigation at

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