Blair prepares to give Bush Blank Cheque for 'Son of Star Wars'

Last edited 17 December 2002 at 9:00am
17 December, 2002

The lack of public consultation surrounding UK Government participation in the Bush Administration's 'Son of Star Wars' missile defence system is yet more evidence that Blair is nothing more than Bush's puppet, Greenpeace claims today. Any UK investment in 'Son of Star Wars' is ill advised until there has been an open and transparent public consultation process. The recent Government paper on missile defence is purely a public relations exercise rather than a proper public debate. The UK Government has given no indication that the British public will be properly consulted on any matter about US plans for its missile defence system to be based in the UK.

Greenpeace UK Executive Director, Stephen Tindale, said:
"There has been no discussion as to what system will be built in the UK; who will pay for it and exactly how much it will cost. If the British taxpayers are expected to pay they must be properly consulted on these issues. Blair appears to be willing to hand over a blank cheque to the Bush Administration for a system that does not work, has no purpose and is certainly not wanted."

The 'Son of Star Wars' is being developed by the US Government to defend itself from a threat that does not physically exist. No missile currently exists, which has the range to reach the United States from its perceived enemies. The best defence against any potential missile attack is to make sure the technology and nuclear materials are not available to build weapons of mass destruction in the first place.

Notes to editors:
For more on Greenpeace's international campaign to Stop Star Wars visit

Greenpeace has several principled objections to the Star Wars system including:

  • Star Wars is not about defence it is about offence and the way the US wields its power over other countries. At the same time Bush is continuing to plough billions of dollars into nuclear weapons development.
  • The Star Wars system makes Yorkshire a target because any enemy of the USA will attempt to knock out the 'eyes and ears' of Star Wars as part of an offensive action.


Further information:
Greenpeace UK press office on 020 7865 8255

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