Britain hits new solar power milestone

Last edited 26 May 2017 at 1:42pm
26 May, 2017

Commenting on news from the National Grid that Britain's solar energy generation has climbed to a new record high today, Greenpeace UK's Head of energy Hannah Martin said:

"Britain has just hit another milestone in its effort to harness the increasingly cheaper energy coming from the sun. Today's new record is a reminder of what the UK could achieve if our government reversed its cuts to support for solar and backed the clean technologies that could provide jobs, business opportunities and plentiful clean energy for decades to come. All around the world, solar power keeps beating new records as costs come down and power generation goes up. In the US, more people were employed in generating electricity from solar last year than from coal, oil and gas combined. Britain cannot afford to miss out on the economic and environmental rewards of this energy revolution." [1]



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