Cameron energy speech - Greenpeace reaction

Last edited 6 July 2006 at 8:00am
6 July, 2006

Commenting on David Cameron's speech to the Local Government Association, in which he said "the future is decentralised energy" and that nuclear power is "a last resort", Greenpeace campaigner Charlie Kronick said:

"David Cameron seems to get it. Decentralised energy can deliver huge cuts in carbon emissions and reduce our dependence on foreign energy supplies. The Tories have traditionally been solid supporters of nuclear power, so to see their new leader order nuclear to the back of the queue is very encouraging. It shows just how out of touch Tony Blair is. If the Prime Minister shed his fixation with nuclear power and looked starkly at the evidence he'd agree with David Cameron. Decentralised energy really is the future, while Tony Blair looks increasingly like the past."

Decentralised energy involves generating energy in the form of either heat or electricity close to or at its point of use, giving massive efficiency savings. It is already successfully employed in many European cities.


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