Coca-Cola U-turn on opposition to bottle deposit schemes - Greenpeace comment

Last edited 22 February 2017 at 10:51am
22 February, 2017

Responding to news this morning that Coca-Cola has U-turned on its opposition to bottle deposit return schemes, Louise Edge, senior oceans campaigner at Greenpeace UK, said:

‘Following Greenpeace’s investigation into Coca-Cola’s lobbying against bottle deposit schemes, we welcome this change of heart. Deposit schemes, which have growing support amongst the public, politicians and industry, can play a key role in reducing the amount of plastic which ends up in our oceans and in landfill. But with up to 12 million tonnes of plastic entering the sea every year, the bigger challenge which companies need to step up to, especially leading brands like Coke, is drastically reducing their plastic footprint.

‘Companies like Coca-Cola must have ambitious plans for 100% recycled content and move away from the era of single-use, disposable, plastic. Only by these companies taking responsibility for the end life of the bottles they sell, will we close the loop on the 16 million plastic bottles which are dumped every day in the UK, and go on to pollute our beaches, land and sea.’

Notes to editor:

In January, Greenpeace released an investigation into Coca-Cola’s lobbying against the introduction of deposit return schemes in the UK:

See here for details of today’s Coca-Cola announcement backing deposit return schemes:

For information, comments and interviews, contact:

Luke Massey, Press & Communications Officer at Greenpeace UK,, 07973 873 155

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