Conservative Party manifesto launch - Greenpeace response

Last edited 13 April 2010 at 1:40pm
13 April, 2010

Reacting to publication of the Conservative Party election manifesto, Greenpeace executive director John Sauven said:

"David Cameron put the environment at the centre of his push to transform the Conservative Party, and now we can judge how far he's come. By ruling out a third runway at Heathrow and committing to new standards for coal plants that would limit their emissions, he's addressing two of the big climate change challenges. But although the Tory manifesto looks good on the headline issues, it lacks a recognition that the market needs a jump-start if it's to deliver the scale of the change Britain needs. If David Cameron wins he'll have to be bold and face down those in his party who would cut investment on clean green technologies and threaten Britain's competitiveness."


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