Development and faith groups board Rainbow Warrior to say no to dirty coal and yes to clean green renewable energy

Last edited 27 October 2008 at 10:26am
27 October, 2008

The leader's of the UK's largest development, faith and environment groups will be boarding the Rainbow Warrior this morning (Monday 27 October) and sailing towards Kingsnorth power station in Kent, where the first coal plant for a generation is being planned.

Directors from a diverse range of organisations including Oxfam, the Women's Institute, Tearfund and the RSPB, along with other members of the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition: Friends of the Earth; WWF and Christian Aid will join the Greenpeace ship at Chatham.

When the 55-metre vessel reaches Kingsnorth, the groups, which represent a coalition with a combined membership of over 4 million people, will each sign a declaration saying "4 million strong, we say no to dirty coal power stations, and yes to a clean green renewable energy future." The declaration will then be taken by a Greenpeace inflatable boat and handed over to E.ON staff at the power station.

Ashok Sinha, Director of Stop Climate Chaos Coalition said:
"Boosting renewable energy instead of continuing to use dirty coal for electricity is one of the most important ways to help prevent global warming spiralling above the 2°C danger threshold.

"4 million people strong, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition urges our Government to invest in a British renewable energy industry which will help us achieve big cuts to the UK's carbon emissions, generate billions of pounds of business, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and help put us in charge of our own long-lasting, safe and reliable energy supply."

Oxfam's Head of UK Campaigns, Martin Kirk said:
"The world looks to rich countries like the UK to lead the way towards a low-carbon future - not one blighted by coal. Only by showing alternative ways of developing can we expect other countries to follow. Failure to do this will be to the detriment of millions of poor people whose lives are already being turned upside down by climate change."

Ruth Bond of the Women's Institute said:
"The WI is on board the Rainbow Warrior today to call for green energy decisions to be made now to protect our future. Women across the world are being hit hardest by climate change and have a key role to play in helping their families and communities adapt. Now is the time to show commitment to renewable energy in the UK which will lead the way for the rest of the world to follow, providing cleaner and safer options for households in poor countries."

Graham Wynne, Chief Executive of the RSPB, said:
"The Government has a choice. It can start a green economic revolution by investing in energy efficiency, renewables and carbon capture and storage. Or it can sanction dirty coal developments like Kingsnorth. Coal-fired power stations without carbon storage will destroy our chances of meeting the new 80 per target for emissions cuts. The future of our natural environment rests on decisions like this."

Tearfund's Head of Policy Laura Webster said: "Going ahead with unabated coal-fired power stations undermines the government's commitment to an 80 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050. It is a complete distraction from investment in energy efficiency measures and renewable energy. Reducing our carbon footprint is a matter of justice. Such contradictory polices show little concern for the poorest who are hit hardest by climate change."

The Rainbow Warrior, one of the most famous ships in the world because of her environmental campaigns, arrived in the UK on the 18 October as part of Greenpeace's ‘Give Coal the Boot' campaign.


For further information call 020 7865 8255.

For more information on Stop Climate Chaos Coalition go to

For more information on the Rainbow Warrior, go to

Notes to Editors:

1) Stop Climate Chaos Coalition
The Stop Climate Chaos Coalition is the UK's largest group of people dedicated to action on climate change and limiting its impact on the world's poorest communities. With a combined supporter base of more than 4 million people, the coalition spans over 70 organisations, from environment and development charities to unions, faith, community and women's groups.

Stop Climate Chaos Coalition demands political action in the UK to prevent global warming rising beyond the 2°C danger threshold.

2) Further quotes
Mark Dowd, Operation Noah said "At Operation Noah we know a thing or two about boats and caring for Creation! May your journey to this vessel inspire you to make others guardians of our fragile home, the Earth".

Sue James, Portsmouth Climate Action Network said "Portsmouth Climate Action Network supports the Stop Climate Chaos demands of No to Coal and Yes to Renewables. Our city's future and the future of life on earth depend on this decision and we call on the Government to take urgent action."

Sarah Clayton, Airport Watch said "Achieving the goal of 80% cuts in CO2 by 2050 will require all sectors, be it aviation or energy, to make significant deep cuts in emissions. We wish to offer our support to those SCC members aboard the Rainbow warrior in their mission to highlight that we do have a choice when it comes to avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, especially where viable alternatives exist."

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