Environmentalists target top restaurant Nobu in endangered species furore

Last edited 5 June 2009 at 8:10pm

"No justicfication for peddling extinction," says Stephen Fry

5 June, 2009

Top celebrity restaurant Nobu is facing disruption this evening as environmental campaigners have descended on the Mayfair establishment.

The restaurant, owned by Robert de Niro, is currently embroiled in controversy after refusing to stop serving bluefin tuna - an endangered species.

A host of celebrities, including Sienna Miller, Stephen Fry, Elle Macpherson, Alicia Silverstone, Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson, have written to the restaurant saying that they can no longer "dine with a clear conscience" as long as bluefin tuna is on the menu.

Many of the celebrities were stirred to sign the letter after seeing a film on overfishing called The End of the Line, which is released on Monday.

A group of Greenpeace campaigners are outside the Mayfair branch of the restaurant in Old Park Lane with six four-feet fish saying to diners "Don't Choose Tuna".

They are also handing out spoof menus featuring a host of endangered species to diners. These menus feature dishes such as braised polar bear liver, rack of mountain gorilla seasoned with powdered rhino horn and sweet and blue whale tongue.

Actor and writer Stephen Fry said: "It's astounding lunacy to serve up endangered species for sushi. There's no justification for peddling extinction, yet that is exactly what Nobu is doing in restaurants around the world.

"Nobu's customers should be up in arms about this. Nobu must stop selling bluefin tuna and make sure all their seafood - from soups to sushi - comes from sustainable sources."

Willie Mackenzie of Greenpeace said: "Eating bluefin tuna is as bad as tucking into a gorilla burger or a tiger steak. Nobu is serving an endangered species, and they must stop immediately if this animal is to be saved from extinction."


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