G8 deal - Greenpeace response

Last edited 7 June 2007 at 4:27pm
7 June, 2007

Reacting to today's G8 agreement on climate change, Greenpeace UK director John Sauven said:

"George Bush's final gift to Blair falls short of what was needed to protect the climate. An agreement without targets is barely worth the paper it's written on."

He continued: "Bush says the US will 'seriously consider' substantial long term cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, but that's like saying aid to Africa is a good thing then refusing to actually commit to donating a single dollar."

He added:

"Scientists tell us we need to slash emissions over the next decade if we're to have a chance of preventing dangerous climate change. This document acknowledges the seriousness of the situation then ducks reality by offering weasel words like 'seriously considering', as if this was an after dinner discussion rather than the most important issue facing the world."

The document can be read here (pdf). 

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office – 0207 865 8255

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