Government gives the go ahead to fracking in Lancashire

Last edited 6 October 2016 at 10:38am
6 October, 2016

Sajid Javid has overruled Lancashire Council’s decision to reject fracking at two sites in Lancashire. He has given the go ahead for drilling exploration to start at the Preston New Road site but it has been reported drilling will not be allowed at the other site for now. However, the Secretary of State's ruling is giving Cuadrilla more time to prove their case at the Roseacre site, and says that he is minded to allow planning permission for fracking there in the future.

 Greenpeace campaigner, Hannah Martin said:
“This fudged decision shows the government is struggling to force fracking on a reluctant nation. Fracking will put our countryside and air quality at risk. Digging up more fossil fuels that we can’t burn if we are to honour the international agreement we signed in Paris and is coming into force soon makes little economic or environmental sense.

 “Theresa May cannot build a 21st-century industrial strategy on a polluting and inexperienced fracking sector that won’t deliver for years, if ever. If the PM wants to promote an affordable and fair energy system whilst bolstering business growth and job creation, renewable and smart energy technologies are the way to go.”

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