Government rides over public opinion on GM plantings

Last edited 16 August 1999 at 8:00am
16 August, 1999

Greenpeace today described the Government's decision to plant four further GM farm scale test sites in the UK as inappropriate and irresponsible.

Greenpeace campaigner, Jim Thomas, said: "This announcement signals that the Government is set on forcing GM commercialisation behind 'sham' science. Its determination to ride over public opinion and to allow the contamination of the environment and organic crops is an outrage."

The four farm scale sites are being announced without the consent of local people whose crops, bees and gardens may be contaminated by GM pollution. Greenpeace has been working with communities around the country and recently commissioned a MORI poll in which 63% of those questioned said they would oppose a GM farm scale trial being planted near them. (1)

The Government's own research has shown that GM crops will inevitably contaminate the organic crops which the public has made clear it prefers. Earlier this month, the Government ran out of the small fund it allocated to supporting organic farming. Greenpeace is calling on the Government to ban GM foods and to increase its support for organic farming, in line with public opinion.

"The Government's priorities on food are wrong. While the public has rejected GM food and is clamouring for organic produce, the Government continues to waste money touting for the agrochemical industry."

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Greenpeace press office on: 020 7865 8255

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