Government's environmental scorecard from Environmental Audit Committee

Last edited 16 September 2014 at 2:58pm
16 September, 2014

Tuesday 16th September, 2014, London - In response to the Environmental Audit Committee’s ‘environmental scorecard’, Dr Doug Parr, Chief Scientist at Greenpeace UK said:


"This scorecard highlights yet again Government’s failure to live up to its promise of being the ‘greenest government ever’.  Getting a ‘red card’ for lack of action on flood prevention and reducing air pollution, two issues with a direct and immediate impact on health and wellbeing, as well as failing to protect our wildlife and countryside, demonstrates a worrying disregard for the best interests of the public. Urgent action is needed to ensure progress in the ten environmental areas the committee has rated, and the Conference season will give Party leaders the chance to tell us whether they intend to improve protection for our homes and families, or keep protecting the polluters."



Greenpeace UK Press Office 020 7865 8255


The EAC's scorecard and data are available here -

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