Greenpeace Challenge BNFL to debate on Wylfa nuclear power station.

Last edited 29 March 2001 at 9:00am
29 March, 2001

In response to a letter from BNFL accusing them of inaccuracies in a report on safety problems at Wylfa nuclear power station, Greenpeace today challenged BNFL to a full public debate.

The report on Wylfa was launched at the National Assembly for Wales on the 14th March at a meeting attended by Assembly Members and Minister for the Environment Sue Essex. It outlines the safety problems which led to Wylfa's closure in April 2000 and irreparable age related problems in the nuclear reactors. It concluded that there would be the potential for a catastrophic nuclear accident if the station were allowed to reopen.

In advance of the meeting BNFL sent an email to all Assembly Members attacking report author John Large and an earlier Greenpeace briefing on problems at Wylfa. Greenpeace responded to these criticisms stating that they had no foundation.

On the 22nd March BNFL issued a press release to Assembly Members calling for Greenpeace to withdraw John Large's report. It again accused Greenpeace of inaccuracies.

Bridget Woodman, Greenpeace Nuclear Campaigner said,
"BNFL have come up with no substantive challenge to the report by nuclear expert John Large. We need an open and serious public debate about nuclear safety in Wales. Issuing irrational attacks is not taking the debate any further. Greenpeace would love to have an open public debate with both BNFL and report author John Large present".

She continued,
"Now it's up to them to show how open - or how secretive - they want to be about safety at Wylfa and the possible consequences of reopening the station."

Further information:
Bridget Woodman on 020 7865 8248
or the Greenpeace Press Office on 020 7865 8255

For details of BNFL's letter to Assembly Members and press release attacking Greenpeace contact David Cartwright in the BNFL press office on 07747 007805.

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