Greenpeace comment on David Milliband's carbon calculator

Last edited 20 June 2007 at 10:44am
20 June, 2007

Commenting on the UK government's carbon calculator launched today by Environment Secretary David Milliband, Greenpeace director John Sauven stated:

"The government is getting distracted producing web gimmicks when it should be focused on delivering results. CO2 emissions are rising - they are higher now than when Labour came to power. That's a damning indictment of a government that says this is the biggest problem we all face. A carbon calculator can be valuable to help people understand their individual contribution, but there are already many carbon calculators out there.

"The government needs to focus on the big ticket items. Switching off lights for example is a good idea but the government simply banning inefficient light bulbs would save enough energy to shut down two power stations. Bringing in minimum standards so that all appliances are A rated; stopping the numerous new inefficient dirty coal plants currently in planning; halting airport expansion: these are the things that the government should be doing to help tackle climate change."

For further information please contact Greenpeace Press Office on 0207 865 8255.





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