Greenpeace comment on Gordon Brown's appointment as Prime Minister

Last edited 27 June 2007 at 10:03am
27 June, 2007

Charlie Kronick, head of Greenpeace's climate and energy campaign, said:

"We're very much looking forward to Gordon Brown being Prime Minister. Especially because, if he's serious about tackling climate change, he'll have to dump many of Blair's plans for catastrophic climate policies.

"Firstly, to prove he's going to really act on global warming, Brown will have to ditch Blair's plans for new coal-fired power stations. It's unbelievable that there are plans for these ridiculously inefficient carbon-belching dinosaurs in this day and age.

"Then he'll have to boot Blair's new nuclear power stations into touch. Nuclear power is eye-wateringly expensive and is a dangerous distraction from really tackling climate change.

"Brown will also have to abandon Blair's climate wrecking scheme for airport expansion. The growth in air travel will send carbon emissions soaring, and Brown must act to halt this impending disaster."

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