Greenpeace comment on government Sellafield plans

Last edited 23 July 2008 at 11:41am
23 July, 2008

Commenting on Business Secretary John Hutton's announcement today at Sellafield, where he proposed the establishment of a national nuclear laboratory, Greenpeace's senior nuclear campaigner Ben Ayliffe said:

"No amount of misguided tub-thumping by the government will solve the myriad problems currently facing the nuclear industry, which is having a torrid time of late.

"There is still no solution to dealing with nuclear waste and taxpayers are saddled with astronomical costs that are soaring so fast it's almost impossible to keep track of them. No company has come forward to invest in new reactors and the government can't sell its stake in British Energy for love nor money. They're now even suggesting nuclear reactors can be built on flood plains.

"And to cap it all the government's sham consultation on nuclear power is under investigation by the official market research trade body. If Business Secretary John Hutton thinks all this represents a nuclear renaissance, it's no wonder his head's on the chopping block.

"Vague promises about building a new national nuclear laboratory will do nothing to change this. If Hutton wants to tackle climate change and energy security while creating thousands of green-collar jobs, he should give nuclear the elbow and concentrate on maximising the UK's phenomenal renewable energy potential."

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