Greenpeace ends occupation of spy base at close of Independence Day

Last edited 5 July 2001 at 8:00am
5 July, 2001

Greenpeace volunteers ended the occupation of Menwith Hill spy base at 10.10pm, Wednesday 4th July by climbing down from the radio mast they had occupied for 15 hours. The descent came at the end of American Independence day. The two climbers gave themselves up to Ministry of Defence police.

Commenting on the end of the occupation, Greenpeace Star Wars campaigner Andy Tait said:
"The whole purpose of this event was to expose the role that Britain will play in the Star Wars programme and we have done that to great effect. The British public, politicians and media now know the introduction of a Star Wars programme will dangerously destabilise international attempts to abolish nuclear weapons and make Yorkshire a target in the future."

He continued:
"The proposed Star Wars programme is not some vague technical issue but a dangerous political reality. Even the promotion of the Star Wars concept is having a destabilising effect. It is simply not acceptable for Tony Blair to sit on the fence over such a crucial security issue. He has a clear opportunity to stop the programme in its tracks by refusing to allow Menwith Hill and Fylingdales to be part of the Star Wars system and he should exercise that choice when Bush visits the UK in two weeks time."

The two volunteer climbers were Al Baker (UK) and Richard Watson (UK).

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255/6/7

Background information:
For a briefing on the UK's role in Star Wars including background on Menwith Hill and Fylingdales click on full report at the top of the page.

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