Greenpeace occupies site for Star Wars missile launch

Last edited 7 July 2000 at 8:00am
7 July, 2000

The international anti-nuclear organisation, Greenpeace has just announced a team of activists has entered Vandenberg Air Force base where the Pentagon is scheduled to test its proposed Star Wars missile system later today. The activists, moving on foot, entered the base near the launch pad for a Minuteman II, scheduled for blast off at 19:01 this evening.

With people in this part of the base the missile cannot be launched. Equipped with survival gear and supplies for several days, they intend to stay inside the area as long as possible.

Meanwhile the MV Arctic Sunrise continues its course towards waters offshore from Vandenberg Air Force base. The captain and its crew are prepared to enter one of five hazard zones designated in a Notice to Mariners (NOTAM) on Tuesday. Reuters news agency report the US Air Force as saying that approaching vessel will be "dealt with".

In 1989 a U.S. navy ship rammed the MV Greenpeace off the coast of Florida when it was challenging a Trident missile test.

"Under the Law of the Sea Greenpeace has the right to peacefully protest the complete irresponsibility of the Star Wars program," said John Sprange aboard the Arctic Sunrise. "We will continue to use every non-violent means to convince President Clinton to Stop Star Wars."

Should it proceed, the Star Wars program will destroy existing nuclear disarmament treaties. It will also provide additional justification to Russia and China to retain their existing nuclear arsenals, while developing new nuclear weapons that can penetrate any future missile shield.

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