Greenpeace occupy JET oil-rig in the Cromarty Firth

Last edited 1 April 2001 at 9:00am
1 April, 2001

Nine Greenpeace volunteers were barricaded up in the oil-rigs 180ft drill stack, before abseiling down the JET rig to safety. The climbers were in good spirits and determined to stop JET wrecking the climate with more oil.

Laura Yates, Greenpeace volunteer, said
"It was windy and starting to get cold, but we were feeling really pleased that we managed to stop the Jet oilrig from going out to sea to drill for more oil that we can't burn".

Six of the original twenty-one activists were arrested earlier from the heli-pad and from other parts of the operation deck.

Two climbers who successfully abseiled down the oil-rig painting 'OIL KILLS', returned triumphantly to the MV Greenpeace anchored in the Cromarty firth.

The volunteers on the drillstar were determined to stay for as long as they could to stop these climate villains from going out to drill for more oil.

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