Greenpeace power parachute buzzes George W Bush

Last edited 20 July 2001 at 8:00am
20 July, 2001

A Greenpeace pilot flying a power-chute (an engine powered parachute) buzzed Chequers - the British Prime Minister's official residence - at 6.00am this morning while both Tony Blair and President George W Bush slept inside.

The early morning wake-up call was intended to remind the President that until he ratifys the Kyoto Protocol and abandons his Star Wars missile defence programme he will not be welcome in Britain. The power-chute towed a banner declaring 'Outlaw Bush' because of his record for disregarding international treaties.Commenting on the President's stay in Britain, Stephanie Tunmore, Greenpeace Climate Campaigner, said:

"Bush is making the world a more dangerous place by refusing to take action to stop climate change and by building the Star Wars missile defence system which will trigger a new arms race. Tony Blair should tell George W Bush to see sense and cancel the Star Wars programme and ratify the Kyoto protocol."

"Even though the US is saying it won't ratify the Kyoto Protocol they are still meddling and trying to sabotage attempts by the rest of the world to control global warming. This is totally unacceptable and shows that George Bush is not only indifferent to the rest of the world but is actively working to make our lives worse."

Andy Tait, Greenpeace Star Wars campaigner, added:

"Bush's Star Wars plans are a huge threat to global security. Star Wars will destroy existing arms control agreements and start a new arms race as other nations respond by building new nuclear weapons to evade the "shield".

"Bush cannot develop Star Wars without help from Tony Blair as he needs to use US bases here. Blair has a real opportunity to stand up for the international community and say no Bush's dangerous Star Wars plans."

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

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