Greenpeace responds to Shell CEO calls for Carbon Pricing

Last edited 6 October 2015 at 11:16am
6 October, 2015

In response to Shell CEO call for carbon pricing in today’s speech at the Oil and Money Conference, Greenpeace campaigner Charlie Kronick, said:

“Carbon pricing is a costly distraction from meaningful action on emissions. While it appears progressive, the devil is in the detail.

“The oil industry’s support for climate action appears conditional on those actions having zero impact on its core business or its plans for unchecked expansion.

“By calling for Carbon Pricing, Shell’s actually suggesting we wait around for 190 countries to agree on a coordinated approach before taking action, which would take more time than we have left to tackle climate change.

“Effective Carbon Pricing effectively buys the industry more time to continue business as usual.”                                                                                        

Read more on carbon pricing in our new briefing: Fuelling Climate Crisis.

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