Greenpeace response to IPCC 5th assessment report

Last edited 27 September 2013 at 9:14am
27 September, 2013

Responding to the IPCC’s 5th assessment report, Greenpeace Chief Scientist Doug Parr said:

"This report is about what kind of future we want. We either compound climate change by continuing to dig up and burn fossil fuels, then suffer the consequences, or we take a different path.

“Dangerous levels of warming of two degrees or more can be avoided, but this requires countries like the UK accepting the folly of grasping for yet more oil and gas in the Arctic, the tar sands and the Home Counties, and instead taking strong and rapid action on renewables.”

“Unfortunately, those taking action against climate change by peacefully protesting against oil drilling in the Arctic are currently detained in custody in Russia, while those most responsible – the fossil fuel industry – are courted and protected by governments around the world. It should be the other way around.

 For more information contact the Greenpeace press office on 02078658255

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