Greenpeace response to closure of Torness nuclear plant

Last edited 13 August 2002 at 8:00am
13 August, 2002
Greenpeace said today that the closure of British Energy's nuclear plant at Torness because of a fault in its reactor cooling system was further evidence that nuclear power is not only dangerous but is a technology that can't be relied on to deliver the UK's electricity.

Greenpeace nuclear campaigner Emma Gibson said,

"The nuclear industry, like its reactors, is falling apart. Nuclear energy simply can't be relied upon to power our homes. Not only are Britain's reactors prone to unplanned shutdowns but the huge cost of dealing with their lethal waste is just not worth the risk. Wind power is not only cheaper but can more than meet this country's electricity needs without creating deadly pollution or risking being targeted by terrorists."

Energy Experts AEA technology recently carried out a report for Greenpeace which found that wind farms out at sea off the coast of East Anglia alone could supply the same amount of electricity as all Britain's nuclear power plants.

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

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