Greenpeace response to Government decision not to appeal Greenpeace victory in High Court

Last edited 23 November 1999 at 9:00am
23 November, 1999

Responding to the news that the Government would not appeal the recent High Court judgement in Greenpeace's favour on the extent of the EU Habitat's Directive, Greenpeace climate campaigner Matthew Spencer said: "This is great news -We hope the Government will now implement the Directive fully. This means putting the needs of wildlife before the needs of oil exploration. Greenpeace can now confirm that we will invest any money that we receive from the Government in legal costs in renewable energy projects in Scotland."

Spencer added, "The Government should use the breathing space this creates to think again about the merits of further oil exploration which is fundamentally unsustainable. We've already found four times more oil coal and gas than we can afford to burn if we are to avoid dangerous climate change. We hope that Stephen Byers will commit the Department of Trade and Industry to the only sustainable course - and announce that New Labour is committed to building a new renewable energy industry in Britain."

Further information:
Greenpeace Press Office on 020 7865 8255

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