Greenpeace response to Sellafield safety scandal

Last edited 17 February 2000 at 9:00am
17 February, 2000

Responding to the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate report (released tomorrow) into the falsification of plutonium data at BNFL's Sellafield plant, Pete Roche from Greenpeace said, "The whole plutonium business is rotten to the core. Removing one or two bad apples, even from the top, cannot rescue this dangerous and polluting industry".

He added, "It is time for the Government to act decisively and end nuclear reprocessing at Sellafield for good."

The damning report into falsification of safety data on plutonium fuel (MOX), shipped to Japan last year, is only one of three reports on Sellafield due to be released by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate tomorrow morning.

All three reports are expected to expose major safety problems and mismanagement at Sellafield. The crisis in nuclear waste management and safety stems from BNFL's core business of nuclear reprocessing, which involves separating dangerous nuclear weapons-useable plutonium from nuclear waste fuel.

4 Greenpeace briefings on the issues expected to be raised by all three reports are now available:

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