Greenpeace response to Tony Blair's speech on the environment

Last edited 24 October 2000 at 8:00am
24 October, 2000

Responding to the Prime Minister's speech on the environment at the Green Alliance/CBI forum, Greenpeace Executive Director, Peter Melchett said:

"We are pleased that the Prime Minister today accepted the Royal Commission's case that we need to cut C02 emissions by at least 60% by 2050 and his recognition that this will have to mean substantial investment in offshore wind, solar and other renewable technology (1). His announcement of some new money for offshore wind is a welcome first step but we need to see the Government move much further and more quickly."

"Greenpeace welcomes Tony Blair's tribute today to the existing alliance between environmentalists and progressive companies such as Greenpeace's Greenfreeze refrigeration technology."

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