Greenpeace shuts down Edmonton incinerator - Chimney now capped to prevent restart

Last edited 9 October 2000 at 8:00am
9 October, 2000

Edmonton incinerator stopped burning rubbish and Greenpeace volunteers occupied the chimney. Volunteers capped one of the two flue outlets. The capping is intended to prevent the incinerator from restarting operations now that the furnace has been closed and involves sealing the flue with planks slotted into a metal frame. Other Greenpeace volunteers occupied the mechanical grabs inside the plant in order to prevent rubbish being loaded into the furnace.

Greenpeace has written to Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, urging him to use his influence to stop all plans for new or expanded incinerators in London, and to support Greenpeace's call for an immediate closure of all municipal waste incinerators. The text of the letter is attached. The Mayor's office is currently considering the request.

Fifty-six Greenpeace volunteers finally withdrew from the plant after it became clear that the incinerator had closed and that nine volunteers were secured in their positions within the plant.

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