Greenpeace to fight incinerator injunction in court

Last edited 24 May 2001 at 8:00am
24 May, 2001

Sheffield Heat & Power - Englands most polluting incinerator

Greenpeace will today challenge attempts by Sheffield Council to get an injunction to end the occupation of the city's incinerator. Five volunteers have now been camped at the top of the incinerator chimney for over 50 hours and are preventing the incinerator from burning rubbish. 

Another six volunteers are still chained to machinery in the main rubbish tipping area at ground level. The application for an injunction will be heard at Leeds High Court at 10.30am this morning (Thursday) and will be opposed by a barrister acting on behalf of Greenpeace.

Blake Lee-Harwood, Head of the Toxics Campaign at Greenpeace, said:
 "As far as we are concerned our occupation is entirely lawful. Sheffield incinerator is the worst in Britain and has broken legal pollution limits 178 times in the past three years."

"We are taking action to end this appalling criminal record and to stop the incinerator from dumping hundreds of tonnes of poisonous gases on the people of Sheffield. We are effectively making a citizens arrest of a repeat offender and want to see this incinerator shut for good."

Further information:
Greenpeace press office on 020 7865 8255

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