Greenpeace urges people to join lobby of parliament in opposition to the impending war against Iraq

Last edited 18 March 2003 at 9:00am
18 March, 2003

Greenpeace and other anti-war groups today urged people to join a mass demonstration outside Parliament today when MPs debate whether to go to war against Iraq.

People are being urged to come to parliament and ask to speak to their MP, then to join a No War protest in Parliament Square.

Oliver Knowles, Greenpeace No War campaigner said, "Poll after poll shows the overwhelming majority of the British public remain opposed to war against Iraq. We are urging people to come down to parliament and make sure their MP is under no illusions about having their support".

If war goes ahead Greenpeace are urging people to join countrywide protests organised by CND and Stop the War coalition.

The protests will take place at Trafalgar Square in London and in town centres across the country on the first evening after military action against Iraq, from 6pm onwards.


For more information contact the Greenpeace Press Office on 0207 865 8255.

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