Greenpeace volunteers arrested in protest at heart of Star Wars test site

Last edited 8 May 2001 at 8:00am
8 May, 2001

Rainbow Warrior

Two Greenpeace volunteers were arrested today at the US missile test range at Kwajalein in the Pacific Marshall Islands. The volunteers were protesting against President Bush's missile defence programme, known as "Star Wars", on the first day of a US diplomatic 'charm offensive' to sell the idea to the UK and other countries. 

The Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior, flanked by inflatable boats, travelled today to the US Army missile testing range on Kwajalein Atoll in the North Pacific. Two protestors, carrying a banner saying "Just Say No", went onto the base and were arrested at the site of an X-band radar used in Star Wars missile tests.

"Star Wars is the single biggest threat to international security", said Mike Townsley of Greenpeace International, one of the two arrested, "Governments world-wide must reject it otherwise they will be culpable in propelling the world back down the path of mutually assured destruction and a new nuclear arms race."

Kwajalein Atoll is at the heart of the Star Wars testing program. It is from there that the US test-fires the missile intended to intercept a simulated incoming missile that has been fired from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

The US diplomatic offensive to sell Star Wars to a sceptical international community begins in Japan today, Europe tomorrow, and Australia on Wednesday. A team of US official led by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley will visit Europe, including the UK, starting at NATO headquarters in Brussels tomorrow.

President Bush needs UK agreement if the Star Wars programme is to proceed. The Fylingdales early-warning radar and Menwith Hill satellite base, both in Yorkshire, are part of the US plans. The US also needs permission from Denmark to use the Thule radar base in Greenland.

"This is not consultation, it's coercion," said Helen Wallace of Greenpeace, " Tony Blair must not let Bush lead us back to the Cold War and a new nuclear arms race. He must reject Star Wars now".

Notes for Editor's:
The two activists arrested were Anne Marie Rasmussen, 21 years old from Denmark and Mike Townsley, 37 years old, from the UK.

Further information:
Contact: Jon Walter, Greenpeace Press Officer 020 7865 8176
Helen Wallace, Greenpeace UK campaigner 020 7865-8241

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