Greenpeace's response to CORWM

Last edited 27 April 2006 at 8:00am
27 April, 2006

Responding to the Committee on Radioactive Waste's recommendations about UK nuclear waste disposal Greenpeace campaigner Jean McSorley said:

"CORWM is recommending we bury radioactive waste in a big hole in the ground somewhere in the UK. This is an environmental time bomb for future generations because the waste will inevitably degrade and leak. The least dangerous option would be to keep the waste on the reactor sites in accessible storage."

She continued: "The fundamental lesson must be not to create any more of this dangerous waste which poses such environmental and security nightmares for up to one million years. That means Tony Blair should not propose building any new nuclear reactors."

For more information call Jean McSorley at the CoRWM meeting on 07801 212959.

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