Historic victory for British marine life - oil licensing illegal until Government changes wildlife policy

Last edited 5 November 1999 at 9:00am
5 November, 1999

The Government was defeated in court today (5th November 1999) in a landmark legal ruling which protects coral reefs and whales and dolphins in Britain's North East Atlantic. Mr Justice Kay ruled that all future offshore oil licensing is illegal until the Government properly applies the EU Habitats Directive.
Justice Kay told the court that the Government had "clearly" not applied the Habitats Directive in initiating the next round of oil licensing in the North East Atlantic.

"This is a fantastic victory for whales, dolphins and deep water coral reefs. It turns Government policy on fossil fuels on its head. Tony Blair has now been forced to put wildlife conservation ahead of oil exploration," said Greenpeace Executive Director, Peter Melchett.

"The Government should learn from this defeat and review whether it can to afford to continue to license new oil exploration given the damage that it will cause to marine wildlife and the global climate. It should put its resources into supporting new British renewable energy industries," Melchett said.

Greenpeace said that the costs it receives from the Government will be invested in new renewable energy projects in Scotland.

Further information:
Greenpeace Press office on 020 7865 8255

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