I Count campaign - Blair's last chance to stop climate chaos

Last edited 11 October 2006 at 8:00am
11 October, 2006

On Wednesday 11th October, Stop Climate Chaos coalition (SCC) turned up the heat on Prime Minister Tony Blair with the launch of its I Count campaign - highlighting that as Blair's premiership melts away, climate change is the most important single issue on which he can leave a lasting legacy.

The launch was marked with an unveiling of a 4ft high ice sculpture of the Prime Minister's head encased around a first edition of their book I Count: Your step-by-step guide to climate bliss - available in all major bookstores from Thursday 19th October and available on amazon.co.uk now. SCC are also organising I Count in the Square - a mass public event at London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday 4th November, on the eve of global climate change talks in Nairobi when thousands are expected to turn out and 'be counted'. Blair's bust was revealed in London's Trafalgar Square by SCC director, Ashok Sinha and once the sculpture has melted, the book will be dispatched to Number Ten Downing Street.

SCC is an unprecedented and growing coalition on climate change, bringing together environment and development organisations, unions, faith, community and women's groups. Members include Friends of the Earth, RSPB, Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Tearfund, Christian Aid, the Women's Institute and UNISON.

I Count is designed to inspire personal and political action and counter the view that climate change is too big a problem to fix. The campaign has already gained support, from leading environmentalists to global poverty campaigners.

"I Count because the world is facing its greatest man-made threat ever - climate change. Urgent action is needed - by individuals and most of all governments. Without political will, action on the scale required will not be possible."
Sir David Attenborough
"I Count because I care about the millions of people living in poor countries that will be hit first and worst by climate change".
Annie Lennox

The I Count pocket sized book, published by Penguin, outlines 16 essential steps that take you from The Power of Off and Rejecting the Ridiculous, to the Magic of Sharing. It provides practical and entertaining guidance on how people can reduce their personal carbon dioxide emissions, and encourages them to place pressure on politicians to take action too. The book costs £3 and has already received rave reviews.

"I usually hate books that tell you what to do, but this one actually made me laugh and showed me how to save a bit of cash."
Jo Brand
"The I Count step by step guide to climate bliss book is not only exceptionally important, it's also pretty funny and gives you a great excuse to invite a friend to share a bath."
Alistair McGowan

The I Count campaign is encouraging people who care about climate change to sign up online or by text and turn up at the mass event at London's Trafalgar Square on Saturday November 4th. It calls on the UK government to provide:-

  • action internationally: ensure that global greenhouse gas emissions are irreversibly declining by 2015.
  • action for justice: deliver assistance to developing countries to adapt to climate change and give access to clean energy to meet their developmental needs.
  • action in the UK: introduce a Carbon budget in the Queen's speech to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 3% per year.

"We urge everyone to sign up to I Count by going online to www.icount.org.uk, texting' I Count' to 84424 and turning up at Trafalgar Square on Saturday November 4th - when everyone will be counted. This is an ideal opportunity for people to tell the UK Government that urgent action is needed to stop climate chaos - and show they mean it by taking action themselves. " Ashok Sinha, Director Stop Climate Chaos.

People will be travelling to the event on Saturday 4th November from across the UK in ingenious low-carbon ways and arrive at the square where there will be speakers and entertainment.

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Notes to Editors:

1. For further information and interview or image requests, please contact:

Alison Blower
Media Coordinator
alison@stopclimatechaos.org or call 020 7729 8732/07967 698928

2. SCC member coalition
3. www.icount.org.uk
4. For further information about the book, contact Preena Gadher, Press Officer, on 020 7010 3466.

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