IPCC impacts report: Greenpeace statement

Last edited 5 April 2007 at 4:47pm
5 April, 2007

Polar bear

Greenpeace statement on tomorrow's IPCC impacts, adaptation and vulnerability report

The second of four major reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2007 is expected to predict dire consequences for the planet if our greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. Commenting on the news, Greenpeace climate campaigner Jim Footner said:

"It's clearer than ever that millions are at risk from devastating climate change. The poorest people will be hardest hit, despite being least to blame. The UK has played a major role in causing the problem and we must play a leading role in solving it - but appallingly our CO2 emissions are rising.

It's time for solutions that match the scale of the threat. To avert disaster, the Government needs to stop sitting on its hands and start implementing the solutions that already exist - decentralised energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency."

For further information please contact the Greenpeace press office on 0207 865 8255 / 07801 212 972

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