Last edited 31 October 2011 at 2:31pm
31 October, 2011

Commenting on the Labour party's decision to reverse policy and oppose the expansion of Heathrow airport, Doug Parr, Greenpeace Chief Scientist said:

"For advocates of Heathrow expansion their runway has reached the end of the road. Opponents of Heathrow expansion have clearly won the argument, resulting in a cross-party consensus against a new runway. Aviation lobbyists who have lately been trying to resurrect expansion should now accept defeat and concentrate instead on reducing the airline industry's carbon emissions to an acceptable level. Meanwhile the community around Heathrow will be celebrating and can be proud of the campaign it ran to protect their villages from destruction."

In 2009 Greenpeace purchased a slice of the land earmarked by airport operator BAA for a third runway at Heathrow. Originally purchased by Alistair McGowan, Emma Thompson and Zac Goldsmith, the land was then parcelled up in tens of thousands of tiny plots which were then 'owned' in a deed of trust by members of the public opposed to expansion.


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