Leaked Bali document reveals U.S. efforts to sink new global climate agreement

Last edited 13 December 2007 at 8:10pm
13 December, 2007

An extraordinary document leaked to Greenpeace in Bali this evening reveals that the United States is trying to destroy international efforts to tackle climate change.

The Bush Administration is trying to insert text into the Bali agreement that would make the next phase of Kyoto a voluntary – as opposed to legally binding - agreement. At present Kyoto signatories are subject to mandatory emissions cuts.

If the United States succeeds tonight, the post-2012 agreement will allow any nation to opt out and continue to pollute with abandon. This would take efforts to defeat climate change back to where they were in 1994, after which it was accepted that only mandatory cuts would work.

Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said:

"This is an extraordinary attempt by the Bush administration to kill off the international fight against climate change. If they get this text through the conference then the next treaty won’t be worth the paper it’s written on because it will give a free pass to any nation that wants to keep polluting. History will not forgive the Bush Administration for what it has tried to do in Bali. Gordon Brown should get on the phone to the White House and say enough’s enough, the world will not stand for this."

The proposed U.S. text includes the words 'as appropriate' 'depending' and 'may' in reference to emissions cuts, making any agreement voluntary. If accepted by other nations these words would make the post-2012 agreement a toothless treaty which could be legally ignored by all signatories.

The leaked text, currently being presented to a meeting of the Friends of the President (including the UK delegation) in Bali, reads as follows (voluntary language in bold):


(b) enhanced action on mitigation of climate change, and the means to recognise such action, in the context of sustainable development, including, inter alia, consideration of:

(i) effective, measurable and reportable domestic mitigation actions,

[DEPENDING on the level of economic development and significance] [DEPENDING on the level of economic development and GHG contributions][ DEPENDING on the level of economic development and energy utilisation][in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and responsive capabilities]:

(a) including, AS APPROPRIATE, quantified national emission limitation and reduction objectives, taking into account national circumstances and relative level of efforts;

(b) including, AS APPROPRIATE, domestic plans and measures that MAY include binding, market-based and sectoral programs; and

(c) supported, AS APPROPRIATE, by external technology, financing and capacity building.

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