LEGO refused 115,000 UK petition calling on them to ditch Shell

Last edited 22 July 2014 at 2:38pm
22 July, 2014

Today six Greenpeace activists, dressed as LEGO people, attempted to deliver a 115,000 strong UK petition to LEGO HQ in Slough. The petition, collected in just three weeks, calls for LEGO to stop promoting oil major Shell on its toys because Shell is threatening the Arctic and the unique wildlife that depend on it.

The LEGO activists were flatly refused entrance to the reception at LEGO HQ to deliver the 115,000 strong UK petition.

The LEGO activists danced to the LEGO movie theme tune ‘Everything is Awesome’ before unsuccessfully attempting to hand over the petition in giant LEGO bricks. They tweeted and posted updates to Facebook as they travel to the site to encourage more people to sign up to the campaign.

Elena Polisano, Arctic campaigner from Greenpeace, said: “LEGO is ignoring the 115,000 people in the UK who have already voiced their opposition to LEGOs promotion of Shell on its toys. LEGO wouldn’t even accept delivery of the petition collected so far. Most of the people who signed this petition are firm believers in LEGO, and we think they’ll be hugely disappointed at LEGOs response today. LEGO has its fingers firmly in its ears, but we won’t give up. We want them to know hundreds of thousands of people around the world are mobilising, and this headache isn’t going away anytime soon”.

“LEGO is a trusted brand, but it’s trying to dodge its responsibility. As long as LEGO keeps on helping Shell clean up its image, it’s helping it get away with aggressively hunting for oil in the extreme and fragile Arctic. An oil spill there would be impossible to clean up, devastating the unique Arctic wildlife. And the only reason Shell can even drill there is because global warming is melting the ice. It’s time for LEGO to take a stand for the Arctic, and for kids, and finally pull the plug on this deal.”

LEGO responded to the campaign on the day it launched (1 July) by issuing a statement from Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, President and Chief Executive Officer of the LEGO Group. He said he thinks this dispute is between Greenpeace and Shell, and LEGO shouldn’t be involved. He stated LEGO intends to live up to its long term contract with Shell.  

LEGO hasn’t responded further, but since then the campaign petition has received almost 600,000 signatures around the world. The campaign hashtag #BlockShell has been used more than 70,000 times by people to add their voice to the campaign or share content. A video launched for the campaign was viewed more than three million times in three days before it was temporarily suspended from YouTube. The complaint has since been withdrawn.

End notes: Follow the action on Facebook and Twitter.

LEGO is keeping bad company: no more playdates with Shell.
Media briefing on Shell’s threat to the Arctic

For photos and video contact:
Marge Glynn

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