New runway plan for Luton scrapped

Last edited 6 July 2007 at 1:26pm
6 July, 2007

Reacting to the announcement that the operators of Luton Airport have been forced to drop well-advanced plans to build a new runway and terminal, Greenpeace aviation campaigner Emily Armistead said:

"This is great news for the climate. The airlines operating out of Luton have been pushing a binge-flying culture that's deeply damaging to the environment and a second runway would only have made things worse."

She continued:

"If the government is serious about tackling climate change it should step in and put a stop to plans for expansion at other airports. First off, plans for a new runway at Heathrow should go the way of Luton. Britain stands little chance of meeting its long-term climate targets if we allow aviation to expand as much as predicted."

Expansion plans for London Luton Airport were unexpectedly shelved by TBI, the company which owns the airport, this morning. The controversial proposals included building a full length replacement runway and a new terminal to the south of the airport site. Under the plans a new runway would have been built 950m south of the existing runway to cater for expected growth in air travel during the next 25 years. 

For more information, contact the Greenpeace press office on 0207 865 8255.


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