Osborne’s wink to green energy is too little too late - Greenpeace

Last edited 18 March 2015 at 2:50pm

Greenpeace reply to the 2015 budget

18 March, 2015

Commenting on today’s Budget announcement, Greenpeace UK Executive Director John Sauven said:

“Announcing some progress on a new clean technology like tidal power is a welcome move, but the UK’s renewable industry needs a long-term strategy not just a belated wink to green voters. This eleventh-hour move hardly makes up for six budgets of business bungs for fracking, tax breaks for oil giants, and neglect for the green technologies of the future. Osborne’s tenure at No 11 has weakened Britain’s appeal to green investors, and we’re now lagging behind every other EU country on delivering renewable energy targets. It’s a disappointing legacy for the man who once promised to turn the Treasury into a ‘green ally’ for the fight against climate change.”

On the support package for the North Sea oil and gas industry

“The move towards a low-carbon economy has to be handled carefully so that workers in obsolete industries are not abandoned to the mercy of the markets. But there’s no point fooling ourselves that North Sea oil has a long-term future. Ministers should make sure subsidies given to declining industries are smoothing the shift to a greener and more energy efficient economy, and not wasting taxpayers’ money in a futile attempt to turn back the clock.”

On the compensation scheme for energy-intensive industries

“The UK’s energy intensive industries need to increase their carbon efficiency to ensure themselves a long term future. The government can play a role in easing this transition, but need to ensure expensive taxpayer support being given to these industries is genuinely needed, and that in exchange our industries chart a course to being the most energy and carbon efficient in the world.”


Top five green policies that should have been in the Budget but weren't:



- Britain is last in Europe on progress against renewable energy targets


- Britain has fallen to eighth place in E&Y league of the countries most attractive for green energy investments


Contact: Stefano Gelmini, Greenpeace UK press office, m 07506 512442

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