Over 70,000 people count at Glastonbury 2007

Last edited 25 June 2007 at 12:04pm
25 June, 2007

Festival goers, performers, workers and volunteers at Glastonbury 2007 raised the roof on climate change this weekend with over 70,000 new supporters signing up to the UK's I Count campaign to stop climate chaos.

"Huge numbers of people here at Glastonbury festival this weekend have demonstrated that there is a growing, irresistible movement of people calling for action on climate change. Together we're proving that individual action to reduce our carbon footprints and positive pressure on politicians does count. This weekend proves, that individually we are great but together we are irresistible!" said Lucy Pearce, Campaign Manager for I Count.

Glastonbury organisers Michael and Emily Eavis joined the three headline charities - Greenpeace, Oxfam and Water Aid - and urged everyone to get behind the 'I Count' campaign. Artists who added their name to 'I Count' include: Jo Whiley; Peaches Geldof; The Kooks; Just Jack; Klaxons; Zane Lowe; Billy Bragg; The Arcade Fire; Keith Allen and many more...

"This year's support for the I Count campaign here at Glastonbury is a fantastic demonstration of support for action on climate change! Despite the wet, muddy weather, over 70,000 people have added their name to be counted" said Lucy Pearce. "For those who have not yet signed up, it's not too late. Sign up from the comfort of your home online www.icount.org.uk or text 'I Count' 84424".

'I Count' involves over 50 of the UK's most respected environment and development NGOs - including Glastonbury causes Oxfam, Greenpeace and WaterAid - working together to show the public and politicians that climate change is not too big a problem to fix.

The next music event to amass more support for the I Count campaign is LIVE EARTH UK as it is the NGO partner. It will be broadcast on BBC 1 on 7th July when two billion viewers will watch 9 concerts worldwide.



For further information and interviews

I Count campaign and Stop Climate Chaos Coalition (www.icount.org.uk):

Alison Blower - Alison@stopclimatechaos.org; 020 7729 8732; 07967 698928 (SCC HQ)

Sarah Jenkinson - Sarahj@stopclimatechaos.org 07766682624 (on site at festival)

For interviews contact Lucy Pearce direct on 07891 129865

Oxfam (www.oxfam.org.uk/climatechange):

Stuart Fowkes (national) - sfowkes@oxfam.org.uk; 01865 472254; 0781 8406038 or Roger James (South West region) - rjames@oxfam.org.uk; 0117 916 6473; 0778 6660422

Greenpeace (www.greenpeace.org.uk): Ben Stewart - ben.stewart@uk.greenpeace.org; 0207 865 8283; 0780 1212967

WaterAid (www.wateraid.org): Kate Watson - KateWatson@wateraid.org; 020 7793 4793; 07887 521 552

To find out more about the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition and I Count campaign see www.icount.org.uk or www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk

SCC members include: Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Oxfam, People & Planet, National Federation of Women's Institutes, RSPB, Tearfund, World Wide Fund for Nature - UK (Board members), A Rocha, ACTSA, Action Aid, Airport Watch, BMS World Mission, CAFOD, Campaign against Climate Change, Campaign to Protect Rural England, Carplus, Climate Outreach and Information Network, Come off It, Christian Aid, Ethical Consumer, Ethical Jobs, From Greenhouse to Green House, Garden Organic, Glasgow Eco-Renovation Network, Global Student Forum, Green TV, Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science, Islamic Relief, Medact, National Commission for Justice and Peace, The National Trust for Scotland, Operation Noah, Plan B, Practical Action, Road Block, SAOCC, Save our World, SCIAF (Scottish Action on Climate Change), Shared Energy, SPEAK, Spokes, Surfers Against Sewage, Sustrans, Take Global Warming Seriously, The Wildlife Trusts, Transport 2000, UNA, Unison, Women's Environmental Network, Woodland Trust, World Development Movement, Youth Against Climate Change


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