Plane Stupid verdict - Greenpeace comment

Last edited 25 January 2016 at 4:29pm
25 January, 2016

Commenting on the guilty verdict handed down to 13 Plane Stupid activists following a protest against plans for a third runway at Heathrow, Greenpeace UK executive director John Sauven said:

"Today, we stand in solidarity with the activists who have put their liberty on the line to protect us from the health and climate damage a new runway will cause. These campaigners have been found guilty in a court of law, but it’s pro-expansion politicians and aviation bosses that history will put in the dock - and the judgement won't be kind. A third runway at Heathrow will exacerbate the air pollution crisis that’s already costing thousands of lives every year. And just weeks after the government signed a major climate deal in Paris, these activists are reminding us of the crucial international commitments we have made and should fulfil.” 

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